Old Buckenham High School is a small/medium-sized high school set in the heart of the beautiful Norfolk countryside. We currently have around 495 students aged between 11 and 16 years, boys and girls. In each of our years we have either three or four tutor groups with an average of 24 students in each.
Students are assigned a ‘house’ when they start; Turing, Rashford, Malala, Attenborough. Students in each house compete in various interhouse competitions, including music and sports, and students are mentored by older students in their own house or paired with a literacy assistant to support their reading or a numeracy assistant for maths.
Our leadership group consists of a headteacher, a deputy headteacher and two assistant headteachers. We also have key stage leaders for the two key stages who oversee all students, from years 7 to 11.
We have curriculum leaders and subject teachers in the following subject areas; English, Maths, Science, Design & Technology, Expressive Arts, Geography, History, Modern Foreign Languages, Physical Education and Personal Development.
School Performance
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Operation Encompass website https://www.operationencompass.org/