Old Buckenham High School is a small/medium-sized high school set in the heart of the beautiful Norfolk countryside. We currently have around 495 students aged between 11 and 16 years, boys and girls....
At Old Buckenham High school, our curriculum is our teaching plan for students within our school. This plan includes both the knowledge rich schemes of learning taught within classrooms and the experi...
We are looking for parents / carers to be involved with our planned careers events this academic year. Anyone who is interested and would like some more information please contact Miss L Bentley, Care...
Welcome to the staff section of the Old Buckenham High School website.External links:Sharepoint – to share information and work and access emails (for staff and students)SIMS – the school information ...
OBHS Open Evening Flyer I am delighted to welcome you to Old Buckenham High School, and to invite you and your child to join us for our Open Evening on the 18th September.The school is situated in th...
28th November 2023Our annual Presentation Evening is the highlight of our year as we celebrate the achievements of our students, both past and present.To begin the evening the audience was treated to ...
During Enrichment Week this year we were able provide in a day of adventure, team building and problem solving for each year group from years 7 to 10.Each day supported the culture of OBHS and was he...
The weather could have been better, but it was wonderful to see our students setting off and enjoying their weekend working for their Duke of Endinburgh Awards.
OBHS is delighted to welcome Matt, from The Papillon Project, and members of his team into school one day a week from September until December to work on the OBHS allotment. In good ti...