Our Library is set in the heart of the school and is much loved and used by all who attend.
KS3 students have one English lesson in the Library each fortnight, which is dedicated to reading for pleasure. The Library houses an excellent selection of fiction and non-fiction books, including a range of KS4 exam revision materials.
Accelerated Reader
Students follow the accelerated reader programme which enables us to reward students for their engagement with reading and help students to make sure they are choosing books that they will not only enjoy, but also books which will challenge them and expose them to new genres or authors that they may not have previously considered. Students can quiz on their completed reading books, by clicking on this link and logging in with their accelerated reader username and password. Welcome to Renaissance Place (renlearn.co.uk)
Author Visits
We have been very lucky to host visits by a number of top-selling children and teenage fiction authors. These have included:
2017 – Matt Dickinson Discussing ‘The Everest Files’ and ‘Lie, Kill, Walk Away’
2016 – Alex Scarrow Launch of ‘Remade’
2014 – Sarah Crossan Discussing her Carnegie Award shortlisted book ‘Weight of Water’
2014 – Alex Scarrow Launch of the final ‘Timeriders’ book
2012 – Darren Shan Launch of the ‘Zom-B’ series