Numeracy is key to all areas of mathematics throughout both KS3 and KS4 and beyond. When students join OBHS at the start of Year 7 they are given a mini-assessment based on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We collate their results question by question and by the methods which they have used. These results form the basis for our intervention during the remainder of the year within their mathematics lessons and they are then re-assessed again at the end of the year to measure progress. Students who are in the catch-up group in year 7 are paired with carefully chosen students in year 9 for extra help with these skills. This process continues throughout year 8 in a similar way.
We are a mastery advocate school and have a mastery specialist teacher working with us to develop our delivery of these skills and in the use of manipulatives. We have purchased twenty sets of Numicon, texts and other manipulatives to demonstrate and develop students’ numeracy skills in a practical and visual manner. We are continuously working with our Primary feeder schools so that our methods build and consolidate what has been learnt prior to joining us so that students are given a seamless transition to high school.
Most adults naturally remember the last or most efficient methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and INSET is planned with all subject teachers at OBHS so that teachers can engage at all levels with students whatever the students starting point.