All students study Drama in years 7, 8 and 9 at OBHS. At the end of Year 9 students have the option to continue studying Drama at a GCSE level. Due to the introduction of new GCSE course, the Drama course has been designed so that students study a variety of texts and skills across the years which prepare them for study at Key Stage 4.
There are also opportunities for all students to participate in the whole school musical which allows students to see the other side to Drama lessons and the work it takes to put on a whole school show. This can be either on stage or working backstage with all year groups involved.
Through Years 7-9 students study a variety of skill based lessons which incorporate modern texts, some of which are taught at GCSE level. Students develop individual and group work performances while also engaging with feedback that is used to progress through the courses. Students create performances that have a plot, characters and staging alongside considering the audience and purpose of the piece. They are assessed throughout the year on voice and movement, character and genre.
We want to engage students and give them a confidence not only for performance but for life. Drama lessons also allow them to be understanding of others and work in a team to produce a task that is required of them.
Exam Board Website -
Curriculum Intent Implementation and Impact Year 7 - Devising
Curriculum Intent Implementation and Impact Year 7 - Script
Curriculum Intent Implementation and Impact Year 7 - Skills
Curriculum Intent Implementation and Impact Year 8 - Devising
Curriculum Intent Implementation and Impact Year 8 - Script
Curriculum Intent Implementation and Impact Year 8 - Skills
Curriculum Intent Implementation and Impact Year 9 - Devising
Curriculum Intent Implementation and Impact Year 9 - Script
Curriculum Intent Implementation and Impact Year 9 - Skills