Health and Social Care can be chosen as an option at GCSE. Students explore the importance of equality, diversity and rights which are all issues that affect workers in health, social and early years settings on a daily basis. Students learn how to apply the values of care with individuals who have differing care and support needs such as young children in a nursery, pregnant women at the antenatal clinic and elderly service users at a day centre or retirement home.
The importance of communication is a central unit where students research the personal qualities and skills that are essential for effective communication and how they impact positively on individuals’ health and well-being. The practical element of this unit develops student’s knowledge of the different aspects involved in one-to-one and group interactions. Students demonstrate their own communication skills and how they are able to meet the needs and preferences of others as well as promoting their own abilities and strengths.
Students learn by completing projects and assignments that are closely linked to real life situations in different health, social care and early years settings. The course is assessed through three pieces of coursework worth 75% of the total grade. An end of year 11 exam containing both short and long answer questions is worth the final 25%.
Exam Board Website - https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/cambridge-nationals/health-and-social-care-level-1-2-j801-j811/