Music at OBHS aims to develop students’ knowledge of Music and develop skills as composers and performers. All students study Music in Years 7, 8 and 9 through a series of termly, or half termly, units. At the end of Year 9 the students have the option to continue to study GCSE Music. There are opportunities for the students across all year groups to take part in extracurricular musical activities. Through Years 7 to 9 students study a wide variety of musical styles and genres, using a variety of instruments. The topics range from Western Classical, including the Great Composers to world music from around the globe and Popular music. Every unit is centred around gaining knowledge of the Elements of Music and their application in listening, composition and performance.
The units have been chosen and planned to support the development of musical knowledge and skills. Each unit will have a variety of listening, composing and performance tasks to aid understanding and knowledge development. Some units focus on a specific element of music and some centre around music theory and a specific style or genre. Students will develop their level of skill during a topic and this will be assessed at the end of each term. Creating compositions and practising for performance, including singing, is an integral part of the curriculum and necessary to make sustained progress. Preparing a piece of music for performing, whether it be composition or performance involves constant revision and improvement and is equivalent to creating an extended piece of writing.
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