All exam candidates must:
- Read and fully understand the JCQ Notice to Candidates.
- Understand controlled assessment and non-examination assessment regulations and sign a declaration that authenticates work as your own.
- Check all the details on your individual candidate timetable and report any errors to the Exams Officer.
- Read the instructions on each exam paper very carefully.
- Check that the school has at least one up-to-date contact number for you.
- Inform the Exams Officer or Exam Invigilator of any event for which special consideration might be sought from the awarding body (e.g. illness before or during an exam, bereavement or other trauma disadvantage or disturbance during an exam).
If you break any of the examination rules or regulations you could be disqualified from all subjects. The school must report any breach of regulations to the relevant awarding bodies.
JCQ Rules and Regulations 2023-2024
GCSE Summer Timetable 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
GCSE Certificates for 2022 and 2023
GCSE Certificates and awards for 2023 are available to be collected from the school main reception. You will need your GCSE certificates for your further career and especially if you decide to go to university in the future. The school is not obligated to retain your certificates for an indefinite amount of time, so you are advised to arrange for their collection. Please notify the school Exams Office by emailing exams@obhs.org.uk, if you would like to nominate someone to pick them up on your behalf.
School Performance Tables
The School Performance Tables are published by the Department for Education government department and are designed to provide a reliable and accessible source of comparative information on pupil attainment and progress. The performance tables present this information alongside wider contextual data including Ofsted, absence, workforce and finance data, presenting users with a wider understanding of the setting in which schools are operating.
Click here to go to the Department for Education website